Sabado, Hulyo 5, 2008

Our Refrigerator Magnet Collection

Souvenir shops exist because of people like me.I always buy souvenirs whenever I go to other provinces in the Philippines or other countries.

When we went to the U.S. for a vacation in 2006, we were able to visit many cities, and of course, I bought souvenirs. I even bought souvenirs when were in-transit at the Honolulu Airport and the Minneapolis Airport.

Our favorite souvenir to collect is the refrigerator magnet. They are lightweight and therefore easy to stash in one's carry-on luggage. We also collect souvenir coffee mugs but sometimes they are too expensive and bulky, so we buy the magnets instead.

Here is our magnet collection that is on the side of our refrigerator. We live in a small townhouse, so the side of the refrigerator faces our dining table. I try to keep the magnets organized but sometimes the kids play with them, making the magnets talk to each other(yep, they have creative imaginations!), lining them up differently, and as a result, inadvertently dropping them. So if you look at the magnets closely, some have chipped edges.

This picture is a little dark, so click on the image to see the names of the cities/places on the magnets. Our favorite verse is not a magnet but it is held up by magnets.

3 komento:

  1. We had fish just like that at one time on our fridge. Oddly, my mother would not put anything on her fridge when I was little because she didn't like the looks of it (too chaotic for her), so I have some on mine, but it's still hard for me to let her see it when she visits, and she's 82 and I'm 45!

  2. I think the fish magnets can be bought in any city here in our country(the Philippines), someone just writes or paints on the name of the city. There's probably a giant fish magnet factory somewhere...

    The magnet collection reminds us of God's blessings, of how we were able to visit those places by His grace, favor and provision. I like the acrylic ones that are "3-D".

    Oh no, your mom wouldn't like the sight of our fridge! Hahaha! :-)

  3. hi bloghopping. i started to collect on my own too. i used to just buy for my SIL who's collecting then I decided I better collect them too since I was already buying for her everywhere I go. Nice start to your collection.
