Last Saturday(April 4), I drove for 4 long traffic-filled hours from Sariaya, Quezon(around 100km) to South Luzon Expressway with my two kids in the backseat. Two hours into the drive from Sariaya, I suffered an asthma attack and just "puffed" or inhaled a dose of my anti-asthma inhaler.I began to feel fatigue already. I had to just drive along because my two young kids couldn't drive for me, though they wanted to. They were in the backseat praying to God to give their mommy strength for the trip. As I drove through all the traffic, I kept on praying for God's grace in my weakness.
I was so exhausted that I had to stop at a gas station before proceeding to Manila to drive for another hour. My strength was at its end when I pulled into the gas station.I was able to rest at the gas station at the South Luzon Expressway. Then off we went to Manila(around 30 kms). I made it to Manila so my husband could meet us. However, after 10 minutes driving away from the City of Manila, I had difficulty breathing and I couldn't talk anymore. I knew I had to have nebulization. So we took a u-turn to go to the hospital where we work, Medical Center Manila. I had nebulization at the Emergency Room and felt better afterwards.
Last Sunday at church we sang this worship song, "Everlasting God". God spoke to my heart through it. Even if I was exhausted and weary, God wasn't. He does not faint or grow weary like we do. I felt that I was able to withstand what I went through because God lifted me up on wings like eagles. I was weak, but He was strong. I knew God was with me every minute of the way as I drove, protecting me with His angels. I thank God for being with me in spite of my shortcomings. Even if i was angry at some inconsiderate drivers who drive counter-flow on two-lane highways so they could get ahead of you and end up stopping the traffic altogether, I felt God speaking to my heart to forgive them. I did, even if they didn't apologize to me. I forgive because I was forgiven too.
I thank God for my two thoughtful sons, praying and interceding for me as I was losing strength.Thank you God for answering my sons' prayers. Thank you Lord that I didn't suffer the severe difficulty of breathing as I drove alone. That would have been absolutely terrible. Having an emergency along the highway and not being able to talk. I thank you Lord that all the hairs of my head are numbered by You and You know everything I go through. Thank you Lord that my way is not hidden from You.
These are the lyrics of "Everlasting God" written by Brenton Brown and Ken Riley
Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord
We will wait upon the Lord
We will wait upon the Lord
Our God, You reign forever
Our hope, our Strong Deliverer
You are the everlasting God
The everlasting God
You do not faint
You won't grow weary
Our God, You reign forever
Our hope, our Strong Deliverer
You are the everlasting God
The everlasting God
You do not faint
You won't grow weary
You're the defender of the weak
You comfort those in need
You lift us up on wings like eagles
(Listen to this song on
Brenton Brown's MySpace Music page)