Huwebes, Agosto 28, 2008

When the Lord Upholds You with His Hand

I have been out of the blogosphere for a long time because I had been undergoing personal and emotional struggles, which by God's grace I have overcome already. I felt I couldn't write anything encouraging on my blog so I did not post for three weeks.

I had been struggling with deep emotional issues of rejection and hurt. I let feelings of hurt overcome me. During this time I would cry to the Lord and ask Him to help me. I felt the Lord allowed this trial to happen so He could minister to my heart and bring me on the road to emotional maturity. I now know the Lord in a deeper way.

One of the verses the Lord brought to mind was Psalm 37: 23-24:
The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD,
And He delights in his way.
Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down;
For the LORD upholds him with His hand.

When you feel you are drowning in your troubles and tears, there the Lord upholds you with His hand. Just imagine how big God's hand is. In our weakness, God is strong, holding us up. As 2 Corinthians 12:9 says: “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness." Sometimes it is in our emotional and relationship struggles with people that our relationship with God undergoes a major testing. We are overwhelmed and we begin to get buffeted by the storms and floods. But God says, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness." When we are weak and wobbly, about to faint, God's strength upholds us.

The Lord was trying to show me how my hurts were controlling my thoughts and my life, and He wanted me to release them and learn to forgive and to react more maturely. The Lord breaks us to chasten us, to remove what is not from Him. So we will be more like the Lord Jesus.

One thing we should never do in times of suffering is get mad at God. That is a real stupid thing to do. If we have a sin, we should repent and turn back to God. If we are not in sin, we should trust the Lord in the midst of trials. God is faithful. And He upholds us with His hand.

The Lord understands our suffering more than we can ever know. Isaiah 53:3-5 says:
He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted.
But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.

The Lord knows what it is to suffer and be rejected. The Lord Jesus took our sins, sorrows and sicknesses on the Cross, so we don't have to bear the punishment for sin ourselves and to live in sorrow and to live defeated by sickness. By His resurrection He triumphed over sin and death.

Biyernes, Agosto 8, 2008

Lyrics of Dark but Lovely by Sarah Edwards

Anyone who has ever felt rejected or insecure will be ministered to by this song. Especially if you are dark-skinned like me. Here in the Philippines, we had 400 years of Spanish colonial rule, which has led to preference to fair skin in judging physical beauty. When I was a kid I used to be teased about my dark skin.

But even fair-skinned people can be darkened by sin in their hearts.

Based on Song of Songs 1:5, the song tells of God calling us beautiful, even if we have been "darkened" by sin. The blood of Jesus covers our sin and makes us beautiful and pure in God's eyes.

The Lord calls us beautiful, even if we experience rejection from people. Only the Lord can minister to the deepest longings for acceptance and love in our hearts because He is our God and Creator. In Song of SOngs 1:15, the Lover tells the Beloved, "Behold, you are beautiful, my love! Behold, you are beautiful! You have doves' eyes." Throughout the Book of Song of Songs, the Lover ( God) calls the Beloved (us) beautiful over and over again.

I believe these are the Lord's declarations over us. People around us may fail to affirm us, appreciate us or encourage us, even those closest to us, but the Lord always speaks love over us. As Song of Songs 2:4 says, His banner over me was love.

This is a love song for the Lord...who are we that God thinks of us? yet He has enabled us to love Him back. To love Him for who He is, not what He can give us. To just sit at His feet and gaze at His beauty.

I can’t understand this work of grace
How a perfect God would come and take my place
I can’t understand this work of grace
How a perfect God would come and take my place

The stars they don’t move You
The waves can’t undo You
Mountains in their splendor
they cannot steal your heart

This God who is holy
Perfect in beauty
Awesome in glory
Is ravished by my heart

Though I’m poor you say I am lovely
Though I’m dark you say I am beautiful
Though I’m poor you say I am lovely
Though I’m dark you say I am beautiful

Somehow my weak glance has overwhelmed You
And somehow my weak love it has stolen away Your heart

I can’t understand this work of grace
How a perfect God would come and take my place

You may listen to this song on Sarah Edwards' MySpace profile

This song is from the "Constant" album of Forerunner Music/IHOP. It is available on